Tuesday, October 19, 2010

PSGrooPIC v1.8b & v1.9a

Hi guys, I´ve been on a wedding this weekend (calm down girls I´m single yet… XD) so blog have not been updated and as you know a lot of changes happened…

An user from EOL called TSC (thanks mate) made a few compilations to keep upgraded you all, so I´ve updated download sections with this stuff:

PSGrooPIC V1.8b: based on Hermes V4B payload:
- Payload (AerialX Fork).
- Peek and Poke Syscalls.
- Support for Syscall 8.
- BluRay Disc support.
- Support for Homebrew in /apps_home/PS3_GAME.
- Syscall redirection 36 games to run diskless: /apps_home/PS3_GAME.
- New Address 0x80000000007ff000 end of the payload at the end of the Kernel.
- Waninkoko + Mathieulh: Retail PKG installation support + Game Updates fix.
- Works on any Manager.
- Firmware 3.41 required.

PSGrooPIC V1.9a: based on (PL3) KaKaRoTo payload:
- Support for Syscall 8.
- Support for Syscall 35.
- Support for Homebrew in /dev_usb000/PS3/HOMEBREW/APP_HOME
- Waninkoko + Mathieulh: Retail PKG installation support + Game Updates fix.
- Recommended Gaia Manager.
- Works on firmwares 3.01, 3.10, 3.15, 3.41

Don´t forget to buy me a beer if this blog was useful to you...! Thanks.